Cristian Moreno: Good morning, everyone. My name is Cristian Moreno, managing director of Torque Metals.
Today we are at the RIU Conference.
We are presenting the Paris Project, a fantastic gold project 100% gold.
We got amazing results such as 39 meters at six gram per ton, 27 meters at eleven gram per tonne, 24 meters at seven gram per tonne, and multiple additional gold bases. What we are doing here is to try to build up a goal camp.
The Paris goal camp. This Paris Gold camp has 2.5 km in a strike length north-west south-east direction and also an extension of 1km. The idea is to keep drilling this fantastic Paris Gold camp. Come up with a potential resource and bring additional news to the market.
Please join torque metals. Please join us in this journey and have a look in our new web page.
Thank you very much.