Ian Prentice: Hi Ian Prentice, Managing Director of Technology Metals Australia Limited down here in Fremantle. A fantastic conference, really well attended, lot of interest in our projects and what we’re doing.
We recently put out an announcement around our Vanadium Electrolyte Developments, our downstream strategy, so our partner in Japan, LE System, have produced some Vanadium Electrolyte through their facility, taking our ore all the way through to this high-purity, high-quality Vanadium Electrolyte so a really fantastic development for us and as we look at how how we are going to be un rolling that strategy of really delivering on the implementation and support of vanadium redox flow batteries in Australia.
The is a huge amount of interest in what these batteries are going to mean for the global transition, how we fit into that and how the Australian market is really going to benefit from developing our MTMP project.